Be Careful What you Practice, You may get Really Good at the Wrong Thing!

Tag Archives: selfdefense

Be Careful What you Practice, You may get Really Good at the Wrong Thing!

I’m sure you’ve watched videos of real violence. Have you ever noticed this: Trained people rarely display the complex motor skills from their martial training; technique goes out of the window and if they survived they resorted to and reverted … Continue reading

Understanding the Basics of Self-Defense

Self-defense is a crucial skill that everyone should be familiar with to protect themselves in potentially dangerous situations. This edition aims to cover the fundamental concepts of self-defense, equipping individuals with the knowledge needed to enhance their personal safety. Understanding … Continue reading

Hollywood May Tell You Differently, but Reality Includes These 12 Examples of Defensive Gun Use

Last month, the University of Southern California’s Hollywood, Health & Society Program published “Trigger Warning: Gun Guidelines for Media,” a series of recommendations for the entertainment industry on how it should portray firearms. Although some of these guidelines offer helpful … Continue reading

Is active shooter training worth it? Las Vegas shooting survivor weighs in Active shooter training prepares individuals and organizations to respond effectively in the face of an active shooter incident. This comprehensive training equips participants with the knowledge and practical skills to identify warning signs, assess the situation, and make critical … Continue reading

victim-fatally-shot-in-the-head-inside-car-wash-suspect-claiming-self-defense SAN ANTONIO – A person was fatally shot in the head during a dispute inside a Northeast Side car wash. (self defense training) The shooting happened around 7:30 p.m., Saturday, on the 1200 block of NE Interstate 410 Loop. … Continue reading

Situational Awareness is so important in Self-defense.

Situational awareness in the context of self-defense refers to the ability to be aware of one’s surroundings and to recognize potential threats or dangers in order to avoid or respond to them effectively. It involves paying attention to one’s environment, … Continue reading